The education system is broken. Let’s rebuild it together.

 NEXT School is on a mission to redefine education. To make it more engaging, relevant and effective for our children. And in the process, make teaching more meaningful, fulfilling and exciting. We are looking for passionate educators to join us on this mission.

Watch our video on the 6 major problems with the school system that we aim to address.

The best way to get a sense of the education revolution at NEXT is to watch our movie Inside NEXT, where you will learn about our philosophy and see first hand some of the powerful learning underway at NEXT.

We are looking for people who deeply resonate with our vision. Open-mindedness and an inclination to challenge the status quo are key qualities we seek. Have a look at our open positions and follow the 2 steps outlined below to submit your application.

Step 1: Understand the project

NEXT is a very different kind of school with a unique philosophy and approach. By far the most important criteria for us in selecting the candidates is that they understand and imbibe our novel approach. To understand our approach to education it is critical that you watch the following videos

Launch Keynote

This is perhaps the best way to understand the background and the motivation behind this project, the journey that we have taken so far and the key principles and philosophies that are fundamental to NEXT. You will hear from our founder and CEO, our head of school and also the co-founder of Big Picture Learning.

How Big Picture works

This short 1 minute video is a good introduction to the Big Picture framework.

Please also go through our website sections on what is Big Picture Learning, why it’s needed, how it works and what it’s benefits are.

Wooranna Park, Australia

This is a playlist of 3 videos that shows how Project Based Learning can work at the Pre-Primary and Primary level. We have close ties to Wooranna Park and our educational model at the Primary level is majorly inspired by them

Personalised Project Based Learning

This video was actually made by a student as her project. Many of the concepts she explains are fundamental to Big Picture schools:
• Advisory Structure: No lectures. Advisor’s work 1 on 1 with students.
• Personalisation: Projects are done at the individual level, and are interest-driven.
• Individual Learning Plans: that are crafted by the students and are tracked and measured regularly.
• Academic Standards: are intertwined with projects and are met through project work itself.
Do note that some of the ideas like real world connect, mentoring, internships, etc are missing in the model discussed above.

Step 2: Application & Statement of purpose

Once you have absorbed the motivation behind the project and some of the ideas behind it, we would like you to prepare a 500 word statement of purpose telling us why you are interested in joining this organisation, and also what makes you an ideal candidate. You will be asked to submit your statement of purpose along with your application when you apply for any of the open positions listed below
As mentioned before, we are looking for people who identify with our vision for the future of education and are motivated to help our children find their passions, unleash their potential and find their place in the world.

Open Positions

  • English Specialist for Middle Years & IBDP (Grade 6-12)
  • Design Technology Specialist for Middle Years & IBDP (Grade 6-12)
  • Teachers for Early Years (Nursery – Grade 1)
  • Teachers for Primary Years (Grade 2-6)
  • Teachers for Toddlers Montessori (Ages 1-3yrs Old)

For any queries please write to us at However, we will be unable to process any applications sent directly to the email. Please click on ‘Apply’ for any of the positions listed above to complete and submit your application for your position of interest.

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